Showing 1–18 of 38 results

Do you want to collect/exhibit on thematic topics? This book in the Edition d’ Or series presents Hällström’s multiple Large Gold and Gold exhibits on thematic philately and postal stationery. Hällström is a world-renowned philatelist and a signatory to the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists. The thematic collection is on the history of the Square-Rigged Sailing…

This massive book of 826 pages contains listing of all post offices in the world except Germany. By this time there were hundreds and thousands of post offices in most major countries including India. This work will benefit, for example, Indian postal history collectors who wish to know where a particular post office was located….

This work covers the VII stones that were used to print the only issue of the state along with ways to plate these stamps. Apart from this it also covers the postmarks and covers of the state as well as its forgeries. The only book on the state. Very comprehensive. Published in the Series 1…

The standard and superb handbook on the subject by the master Indian philatelist. While the book INDIA USED ABROAD does cover Burma as well, this book covers the subject in greater depth. The book begins with a short history of the country. This is followed up by early postal history dating back to the First…

This is the definitive and only work of its kind covering the time period from when stamps were introduced (1 Oct 1854) to the introduction of UPU (1876) when postal rates globally were standardised. The book covers, through 9 Appendices and 17 Tables, the routes and rates respectively of mail going from India all over…
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This is the standard handbook on the subject which deals with all aspects of Travancore philately and postal history. See contents pages to understand its vast scope. With 180 illustrations and 3 maps. Hardbound with dust jacket. In very good condition. Free shipping in India.
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One of the two philatelic handbooks on Cochin, this is the standard work on the postal history of Cochin. The main focus is not on its stamps but its cancellations / obliterators and postmarks. A useful listing of Anchal offices and maps of the state are covered in the Appendix. Includes 10 colour plates bound…
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As the name suggests this book is a biography of the man who opened up the possibility of the overland mail in the 1830s – Thomas Waghorn. The book covers his childhood, his naval career, his experiments with establishing the overland route, the problems that he faced in the process, etc. Along with The Overland…
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The Postage and Telegraph Stamps of British India by L.L.R. Hausburg, C. Stewart-Wilson & C.F.S. Crofton The Crown Jewel of Indian Philatelic Literature. Originally published in 1907, this book set standards for later philatelic researchers and writers like D.N. Martin, E.A. Smythies, and L.E. Dawson. Hausburg was one of the pioneers in plating lithographs having…
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The Half-Anna Lithographed Stamps of India 1854-55 by E. A. Smythies and D. R. Martin Perhaps the best book ever written on any philatelic / postal aspect of Indian history; better than Hausburg even! In my opinion, a rarer book than Hausberg! Seven chapters along with the Preface and Appendix throws light on the method…
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The Four Annas Lithographed Stamps of India 1854-55 by D. R. Martin and E. A. Smythies The second work in the series of books pertaining to the 1854-55 first issues of India. Published in 1930, the book covers, in 5 chapters, the method of manufacture and printing of the 4 Anna Stamps, the details of…
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The One Anna & Two Annas Postage Stamps of India 1854-55 by L. E. Dawson The third work in the series of books pertaining to the 1854-55 first issues of India. Published in 1948, the book covers, in 10 chapters, (1) One Anna Lithographed Stamps – 5 stones across 3 dies of the One Anna…
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The Postage Stamps, Envelopes, Wrappers, Post Cards, and Telegraph Stamps, of British India and Ceylon Published in 1892 in an edition of 500 copies by The Philatelic Society, London (now the Royal), this is considered to be the first handbook on the postage stamps of India. This book came about from the visit to India…
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Notes on the De La Rue Series of the Adhesive Postage and Telegraph Stamps of India by J. A. Tilleard This work covers the first stamps of India manufactured by the De La Rue Company from 1855 onwards. Clarifies many unanswered questions about these stamps. Appendix A gives a very useful list of each of…
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Published by Robson Lowe in 1975, this is (almost) the last word on this maddening area of the first issues of India. Covering the Half, One, Two, Four, and Eight anna stamps with detailed listings of the many varieties under each value. The individual listings have their own ‘Spence numbers’ which are invariably referred to…
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The Post Office of India in the Great War edited by Lieut.-Col H. A. Sams Published in 1922 by The Times Press, this is a very rare book edited by the then Director of Postal Services, Mesopotamia Expeditionary Forces and later Director General of Posts and Telegraphs for British India. Contains 23 chapters each authored…
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The Post Office of India and its Story by Geoffrey Clarke Published in 1921, this is a rare book of the Indian Post Office authored by the then Director General of Posts and Telegraphs for British India. Covers all facets of the post office including its origins, regulations, services, buildings, overland route and sea post…
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The author, well know for his army post office and military mail books, gives us something different here. Using old postal manuals, circulars, guides, and lists, he fleshes out information about the post office organisation and functions, postal facilities and rates, post marks including their illustrations, stamps and seals and postal receipts, acknowledgements and labels….