Figure 9. Soldiers' Letter Hyderabad Scinde to US Soldiers Front

Four Letters to Westwinstead, Connecticut

The title of this post has been inspired from that 2017 movie’ quirky title: Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri. For centuries, countries in Europe were at loggerheads resulting in innumerable wars. While history remembers the generals and admirals who won laurels, wars couldn’t have been fought without the poorly paid and much neglected soldiers and…

Figure 5. Entire letter (datelined 22 March 1852) from Pau, France to Rawul Pindee, Punjab

Uniform Half Anna Postage on Punjab Letters, 1849-54

A few days back I received a marketing email from the French auction house, BEHR Philatelie. This email, touting their upcoming mail auction on 7 September 2023, contained an image presented as Figure 1. The image shows an entire letter from lot no. 23. The starting price is an eye-popping €6,750. I am not going…

Anstruther or Douglous in Cage Alamy (1)

China Expedition Letters to India 1840-42

Figure 1 shows both sides of a entire letter written in mid-1842 on board the ship ‘Rustomjee Cowasjee’, at anchor off “Rugged Islands” (Chusan, today’s Zhoushan Island) during the first Opium War. Briefly, the East India Company was growing opium in India and dumping it in China. Opium was playing havoc with the Chinese –…

Figure 3. Young Postage Stamp Collector 1

Imitation Is NOT the Sincerest Form of Flattery

This article was republished, with some modifications, as “The Young Postage Stamp Collector shows the Ephemerality of Early Journals” Philatelic Literature Review 72 no. 2 Whole no. 279 (Second Quarter 2023). Philatelic Literature Review is the journal of the American Philatelic Research Library. The first philatelic journal, The Monthly Advertiser, was published on 15 December…

Figure 1. Dutch East Indies Netherlands 1845.10 210c 10a 216d

A Perfect 10: Netherlands to Batavia via Indian Post Offices

Figure 1 shows an entire (ex-Paul Bulterman) sent from Boxtel, Netherlands to Batavia, Dutch East Indies sent in November 1845. Fragile yet beautiful with various rate marks and handstamps, the letter shows the intended routing at the bottom: “via Marseille / Alexandria / Singapore”. The black borders indicate death and/or mourning. Unable to read the…

Figure 5 ENGLAND OVER OSTEND handstanp

Thou Shall not Steal but for (Postal History) Good!

This article was translated and republished, with some modifications, as “Non rubare se non per il Bene (la Storia Postale)! / Thou Shall not Steal but for (Postal History) Good!” Cursores, no. 30 (November 2022). Cursores is the journal of the Associazione Italiana di Storia Postale. Members get yearly two copies of this high-class journal…

Figure 2. Derek Hammond Giles 1913 2003

India’s First Ship Despatch Handstamp

This article was published,with some modifications, as “India’s First Ship Despatch Handstamp″ in India Post 57 no. 1 whole no. 226 (January – March 2023). India Post is the journal of the India Study Circle for Philately. I have made changes to this blog post in January 2023 so that it is up-to-date. The appearance…

Figure 8 Robertson Post Roads 1975 Reprint
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‘Ship Letter’ Robertson on ‘Post Roads’

A few weeks back I wrote a blog post on an 1834 entire from Calcutta taking the curricle from Morpeth to Edinburgh. In it, I discuss how one needs to know the distances between the various towns the letter passed through in order to figure out the inland rate markings in Great Britain. Further, I…

Figure 7 Tweed National Maritime Museum

East India Company’s ‘Punjaub’: Horsing Indian Mails

Some months back, when I was writing up some postal history covers, I came across the one pictured in Figures 1 and 2 from the Indian Mutiny period of 1857-58. It was sent by (later Sir General) Robert Cadell (more about him hopefully in a future post) to Cockenzie House in Prestonpans, nor far from…